Monday, June 29, 2009

The housing hunt

So, finding a house is turning out to be more difficult than I would like. It's hard to get motivated to pack up our whole house now, when we don't even have the prospect of a new place to move to. I'm headed to CA on Sunday and then Phoenix to look for housing, so hopefully I find some prospects by then. As you can see in the picture, Henry is also on the hunt; but I don't think he's having any luck either.


Diana said...

He makes me laugh! I'm sure you'll find a great place! Don't worry.

Kate said...

Dave told me you guys were moving, and I felt like a horrible friend for not taking more advantage of your location while you were here. (Listen to me; it sounds like you've already left.) But we're already planning some fun things, so we'll just have to make the most of the months we have.

Let us know when you need help with anything! (Whether it be moving, cleaning, or just looking for new furniture. :))